Email app trully is crap

True, I did. My bad.

Itā€™s default app iā€™ve been using it from day one.

iā€™ll checkout snappymail, thanks.

hereā€™s a suggestion, just deprecate it, there is no fixing it. youā€™d need to rewrite it and why would you when theres dozens of open source alternatives on the internet.

roundcube isnā€™t even an app, you need it running somewhere else and embed it into nextcloud? thatā€™s silly.

Well thatā€™s a bold claim youā€™re making there. However, Iā€™m not a developer, so I canā€™t comment on that.

This sounds like a a massive exaggeration. I know RoundCube, Snappy (fork of Rainloop), After Logic WebMail (a fork, respectively the commercial version of Rainloop, not OSS), squirrelmail (still looks like it did in the 90s :wink: ) Iā€™m sure I forgot a few, but if you can list at least a dozen, Iā€™d be surprised.

No. You needs to install the Snappymail package somewhere. That is not ā€œjustā€ roundcube.

EDIT: Well I second my own comment. Following the documentation, it seems you dont need anything else. I am not using it at all, so I am ONLY stating what I can read.

still more than needing to write your own half assed one

but you can use whatever you want man, see if i care

Spoiler alert. I donā€™t use it. Anyways, I think you got your answer, if you want to keep bitching around here, go ahead. Iā€™m out.

i have configuration questions but i donā€™t expect you to help, so thanks for letting me know this exists .

go bitching away now.

The SnappyMail app is fully self contained. Please read here on how to set it up: Admin Manual Ā· the-djmaze/snappymail Wiki Ā· GitHub

iā€™ve installed it from nextcloud store

## How to access the Admin Panel

After installing SnappyMail you can use the URL `` to access the Admin Panel of SnappyMail.

what server???

what is here in this context??

meh screw it, iā€™ll just continue using desktop clients

Probably the domain / URL of your Nextcloud server

Weā€™re grateful for your honest feedback, but weā€™d like the next post to be written in a more constructive way.


Rainloop recommends snappymail after deprecating their app.

Nextcloud devs recommend their mail app.

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Any idea what version youā€™re using? Thereā€™s been lots of development in the past six months:

I see draft handling got a significant refactor per above.


The Snappy NC app store page entry has a paragraph that tells you where to find the settings in NC. Itā€™s the only paragraph there so canā€™t miss it:

After enabling in Nextcloud, go to Nextcloud admin panel, ā€œAdditional settingsā€ and you will see a ā€œSnappyMail webmailā€ section. There, click on the link to go to the SnappyMail admin panel.

Definitely accurate documentation - I got curious and just deployed it.

Also looks like the Snappy admin manual has a section that has a Nextcloud heading with even more details if desired.

Keep in mind that Snappy can also be installed without Nextcloud so the default use case for their manual likely starts out assuming youā€™re not integrating it with NC. Scroll down. Or hereā€™s the first link to a dedicated document (which is linked to from that section):

But, again, the app store paragraph is all thatā€™s needed to get started.

Hope you find what youā€™re looking for with Snappy, with a newer version of NC Mail, or elsewhere. And I hope your weekend gets better from here onward.

I donā€™t use Roundcube, but from the looks of it the NC app is a somewhat narrower integration than that provided by Snappy or NC Mail. Namely it enables somewhat more friction free usage of Roundcube alongside NC without tightly integrating them (beyond optional authentication). If that fits oneā€™s primary requirements, great.

That said, itā€™s not silly - itā€™s just a different use case. And - from your reaction - perhaps your use case simply isnā€™t the same. No biggie. :slight_smile:

What type of person are you?

You use this for free and shouldnā€™t go with this attitude, but rather try to improve things by opening issues in Github!

Re-read this thread and realized how hostile it is throughout. Closing.