E2EE fails after Upgrade - missing metainfo

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Nextcloud version (eg, 29.0.5): 29.0.4
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PHP version (eg, 8.3): 8.2.21 - in container

The issue you are facing:

After Upgrade to nextcloud 29 or adding another client I have trouble to sync an E2EE folder.
A run the occ commands for adding indizes and repair mimetypes which nextcloud wanted me to from the admin panel

Output of relevant Client log:

|2024-07-25 14:20:12:460 [ critical nextcloud.sync.propagator.download.encrypted /home/user/src/libsync/propagatedownloadencrypted.cpp:76 ]:|Failed to find matching encrypted metadata for file, starting download of remote file 949f865e24734a77b004451f2beae050|
|2024-07-25 14:20:12:461 [ warning nextcloud.sync.propagator /home/user/src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.cpp:288 ]:|Could not complete propagation of Sync/sync/949f865e24734a77b004451f2beae050 by OCC::PropagateDownloadFile(0x564a9bba34a0) with status OCC::SyncFileItem::NormalError and error: Die Datei Sync/sync/949f865e24734a77b004451f2beae050 kann nicht heruntergeladen werden, da die Verschl├╝sselungsinformationen fehlen.|

Since E2EE is 80% client driven, can you elaborate on precisely which clients you’re using and their versions?

General reference: GitHub - nextcloud/end_to_end_encryption: 🔐 Server API to support End-to-End Encryption

it is 3.13.2 as Appimage on Ubuntu and the recent Google Play Store Version with Android 14 (3.29.2).
The error appears on the Appimage Version

I was able to solve the conflict.

(Enter docker container)
Scan for files in the path with problem
Restart/Refresh Clients

root@server:/PATCH/TO/NC/data/USER/files/dir1/dir2# docker exec -u 33 -ti a2c3049d9167 /bin/bash
www-data@22ab8669e9db:~/html$ ./occ files:scan       
Please specify the user id to scan, --all to scan for all users or --path=...
www-data@22ab8669e9db:~/html$ ./occ files:scan --path USER/files/dir1/dir2
Starting scan for user 1 out of 1 (USER)
| Folders | Files | New | Updated | Removed | Errors | Elapsed time |
| 6       | 35    | 0   | 1       | 1       | 0      | 00:00:00     |