E-Mail Notifications - SMTP Settings


i somehow i managed to change the password for my smtp account in nextcloud so nobody could itself reset their password and geht any kind of notificatin at all. But nobody complains about half a year till now.

But i am afraid of correting the password in my nextclound instance so e-mail notification works again. The reason is simple. I have 500 Users on my instance and most of them have notifications on.

What happens when i setup mail to all notification that where not send by e-mail in the last 6 Month when i correct the password? Do i send out thousands of then for every old notification that is pending? Is there a place where i can see all notifications that will send out when mail is working agian?

I don’t know the answer since I don’t know the details of the code well enough. What I would do, pass in some smtp, that just captures all the messages and throws them away on the first run (in case there are many messages). Not sure if you have access the mail server and do it there, set up a special dump mail server, or fiddle mails through ssmtp that perhaps let you throw away certain messages.

If you want to do it in Nextcloud, there is the oc_jobs table that keeps track which jobs are run and when they were run for the last time. You could just find the related notification job, check when it was run for the last time and modify the date.

For testing new versions and other things, I have my little test setup. On such setups, you can just give it a try. Because even if something is supposed to work in a certain way, some critical things you’d like to know for sure.