Dynamic DNS client question and https requests to update dynamic IP at domain. - Generic Question

Recently the server is unaccessible from WAN but local IP is accessible still.
I contacted NameCheap to discuss because I saw that my Dynamic DNS client was not updating and had issue.

Anyhow, they indicated they have a problem their working on and directed me to use third party client or https requests.

They indicated I could do it this way with https requests as follows:

So I wondered if this method is typical for all domains. ?

If so…
Why couldn’t I run a code on a micro processor like Pico W with a javascript or python code to do https requests to update the domain dynamic IP etc. ?

Please advise.

Which client are you using? Is it the official client from here: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/28/11/do-you-provide-did ? And If so, did you try both versions they offer?

Well, I’d say most people are probably using some sort of official client app like the one in my link above.

In addition to that, many routers also have built-in dynamic DNS update functionality for many of the popular providers, which has the advantage that the router knows when the WAN IP address has changed and then can trigger an update immediately.

In case your router doesn’t support Namecheap directly, it may support custom configurations for dynamic DNS updates, in which case you could add the configuration for the HTTP requests they suggested manually.

Either way, at the end of the day all of these methods are essentially doing the same thing, which is sending an HTTP or API request to the DynDNS provider. The client apps and router interfaces simply provide an easy-to-use interface to do this.

Why not use curl in a simple shell script and run it through a cron job?


curl "https://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/update?host=$HOST&domain=$DOMAIN&password=$PASSWORD&ip=$IP"

Thanks, and yes it is the official client. NameCheap chat support specifically told me they have a problem on their end and directed me to use the https requests method. Or manually change it or use a third party client etc.

Otherwise I would keep using their official client etc.