DropBox migration very slow

Hi, I found an app called Dropbox integration. Once connected to my account, it somehow transfers data from DropBox to my Nextcloud. But it is extremely slow. The speed is about 6-8 MB/s and sometimes, it aborts connection.

Is there any other way to copy from DropBox to Nextcloud?

If this is supposed to be a one-off data-migration type of copy job, you could download everything to your computer and then upload it to nextcloud from there, maybe by using the repective desktop sync clients.

Yes, it is. Unfortunately, I only have 2MB/s upload here, that’s why I wanted to transfer from DropBox to NextCloud directly.

If your Nextcloud is running on a Linux server with full root access you could also try to use other tools like e.g. Rclone to connect to your Dropbox, download the files, and then manually move them to your Nextcloud Data folder, adjust the file ownership and permissions and manually scan them with occ.