Drag file to upload not work

my nexcloud version is Nextcloud Hub 7 (28.0.1),and just upgrade. i am very glade ,it is running more faster.
but i find upload file does not work ,when you drag file to nextcloud.is it a bug??any one can tell me why to fix this problem.

Same problem here. But i do not know the issue.

hi @joe2014 welcome to the forum :handshake:

Please use the search - lot of issues have been discussed already e.g.

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thank you ,friend, it seems to do not resolved, and hope NH 28.0.2 can release early.

Well, I’ll probably wait for 28.0.3, or at least I will spend a few days on the forums after 28.0.2 is released, before I upgrade my 27.1.6 instance :wink:

u are very clever ,it is a right way ,i will study with u.

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I always say wait at least until .1 before upgrading, but with some releases it may make sense to wait even longer. At the end of the day, of course, it depends on how you use your Nextcloud and how much bugs like that bother you. In general, however, I do not recommend blindly updating to a new major version on a production instance.