i want to download the ICS Calendar file by script.
I have found Solutions with wget but nothing workt.
The Main Problem i think is the download link, did anyone knows the correct link for downloading the ics files?
In web GUI i can download it but i cant see the download link.
I use the Nextcloud verison 12 with the newest calendar app.
The download link is: https://[SERVER]/remote.php/dav/calendars/[USERNAME]/[URI]?export
[URI] can be looked up in table ‘oc_calendars’ in your Nextcloud database (prefix might be different from ‘oc_’ in your installation).
I also wrote a bash script that exports calendars from Nextcloud and saves them as an *.ics file. Maybe that can do the work for you. See here:
i have already seen your script and thats realy good work, my problem is that is have to download it from another server.
I have a nextcloud with the sql lite installation without managemnt (the standart) so i cant look at the tables at the db, ore is there a way to do so?
Now i have open the db with DB-Brwoser and i have get the uri, it is the Name of the Calendar.
But when i try to download it i get the Error : Bad Request from wget.
Can you access Nextcloud with a browser at http://[IP-ADRESS]?
I am not very experienced regarding wget - I use curl like this instead: curl -o test.ics -u USER:PASSWORD "http://[IP-ADRESS]/remote.php/dav/calendars/[USER]/[CALENDAR-URI]?export"
Does that work?
I think i have it, the command that works looks like:
wget --output-document ./calendar.ics --auth-no-challenge --http-user=USER --http-password=“PASSWORD” “http://IP:PORT/remote.php/dav/calendars/USER/Kalender?export”