Documents not Syncing/Saving

Heya, I recently set up Nextcloud on my local server (Unraid / Docker based) and it’s working great.

However, today I was editing a document with information regarding my gf’s flight iternary and guide how to navigate through the airport and such.
It saved well and editing with the built-in editor was a charm.

Then my gf viewed the document and corrected a word somewhere and it completely stopped saving for me. I kept writing and writing and the ‘checkmark’ kept saying ‘last saved 2 hours ago’.

I CTRL+A CTRL+C that stuff as the usual precaution when writing, closed and reopened the document and lo and behold. This document and all the versionings contain everything up to the point my gf corrected a typo.

Now my question is … how do I fix that? This makes it completely unusable.

What I suspect happened is that it’s a timestamp issue that does not take Time-Zones into account.
My gf is 5 hours ahead of me in time, so any change I made afterwards happened ‘in the past’ for the syncing progress.

Is there a way to make it take UTC or another common server time as the basis for all timestamps rather than the user’s system time?

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I’d like to chime in again and mention that it didnt seem to be a collaboration timestamp after all.

During my time editing thr document, which took about 5h in total, the “Save” button at some point just lost the orange notification dot to indicate there’s pending changes to save.

This happened a good dozen times and each timr it was a hassle to copy it to a text document, close the nextcloud document, reopen it, paste it back and fix the formatting for checkboxes again and again.

What am i doing wrong? Why is the editor (for .md) in nextcloud seeing changes and then doesn’t anymore? Cant it Autosave or let you manually save at least?

Please tell me what I’m doing wrong. Its terrible to use :x

Unfortunately you didn’t post any details about your environment.

To start with:

  • What version of Nextcloud Server are you using?
  • Anything interesting in the browser inspector console?

Heya, thanks for the reply.
You’re right, I totally forgot about that info.

I’m using the official Nextcloud container v28.0.9 on Unraid
(I joined when v29 was the latest but it gave an instant 500 error after installing, as described in this post )

I couldn’t reproduce the error in a short writing test, however, my browser log is flooded with warnings when I’m in the Nextcloud text editor, and Errors pop up often, mostly ‘aria-hidden’, null (not very helpful) and ‘Failed to apply steps. Retry!’

I’d attach the log file itself, but it’s .log and not .odt so it won’t let me. Here’s pictures.

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I too am having similar issues. My Nextcloud is deployed and managed by Hetzner (Storage Share). My browser is Brave, if that matters.

I noticed that it might have something to do with changing tabs and returning to the editor. Might be client side issue but I do not know how to debug this to be more helpful without guidance.

The issue likely stems from time zone mismatches between your devices. To fix it:

  1. Set both devices to the correct time zone and ensure they match, ideally using UTC.
  2. Set your server to UTC to avoid time zone issues in Nextcloud.
  3. Clear Nextcloud’s cache to ensure the changes take effect.
  4. Check the document’s version history and revert to a working version if needed.

For future prevention, ensure both you and your girlfriend are using the same time zone or UTC to avoid syncing issues.