Docker Image Available

Surely something could be done about the nextcloud namespace being taken on the Hub - itā€™s clearly a squatting attempt.

Has anyone tried getting in touch with the folks at Docker?

Thank you for your comment :wink: ā€¦ I donā€™t know whether we are this account by ourself to reserve this name on the platform :thinking: But if not, you are right!

May I ask @jospoortvliet to do this if my comment above is not correct - and the account is not on our side :sweat_smile:



Well thereā€™s nothing bad on that account and we donā€™t really have much of an official Docker image atmā€¦ If you guys say ā€œthis docker image is awesome and well maintained it should be officialā€, then Iā€™d be happy to mail the docker team and get that account assigned to us :smiley:


I think its good you donā€™t have an official docker image as that is something to support and often become the only docker image.

Its been ages since I used LXC and yeah it is that long as it was really LXC at that time.
I tried the top ranking docker image and got an error but that is me being a total noob prob.
Going to try the as still wondering what alpine linux is :slight_smile:

You need to search a bit more :slight_smile: