Docker HTTP Code 500 Error in Fresh NextCloud Install

I have been playing around with NextCloud using Docker Desktop on a Windows 10 computer. I ran into an issue with my NextCloud installation that I couldn’t fix, and so I decided to delete NextCloud and start fresh. When am following the NextCloud on Windows install guide to get it setup again.

After I run the listed command in command prompt, I get this error: “docker: Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP → listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.”

I go into Docker to see if I can get any more info on this error and see this notification: “(HTTP code 500) server error - Ports are not available: exposing port TCP → listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.”

I have run a list of the processes that are using ports on the Windows machine and no listed processes are using the 8080 port.

I have not been able to find any useful information using Google, and would appreciate any help!

Looks like port 8080 has been use to other services. Try other port like 8081, 8082 or something.

You can check port is used or not using this command (Open Command Prompt and Run as administrator)
netstat -a | findstr :{port}
netstat -a | findstr :8080

I have checked with that command, and there is nothing using 8080.
2024-04-25 Copy

The output suggests something is listening on 8080. :slight_smile:

Are you certain Docker Desktop does not still have some containers running?

Your CMD says “something” LISTENING on port 8080 so there must be some app or services using that port.

Have you try using different port like 8081, 8082, etc?
If you use docker-compose.yaml just change from

    - 8080:8080


    - 8081:8080

Or maybe some containers use that port?

docker system prune :laughing:

where this message comes from? do you see it inside of the container (e.g. docker logs)? usually Nextclod images don’t expose port 8080. Please post you docker compose/command and logs…

I seem to be getting the error from Docker directly. The container doesn’t even start. I hit the start button, and then I get this error.
Screenshot 2024-04-28 125958

I think I found what it was. I used the Resource Monitor in Windows to see what is listening to those ports, and turns out it is Calibre. Once I fix that, I should be good!

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Thank you everyone for you help!