Docker AIO upgrade to 26.0.4

Hello, I have Nextcloud installed via Docker using the AIO images. I receive the notifications saying there is an update available, and Nextcloud’s security scan also tells me that my instance is not on the latest patch. That said, the AIO interface does not show any update, and I’ve confirmed my images are the same as the ones on Hub tagged as latest.

It seems to me that 26.0.4 has been released but somehow it’s not available on Docker? On the hub, the latest image has NEXTCLOUD_VERSION set to 26.0.3, while the beta image has it set to 26.0.4. Is that a mistake or the Docker AIO release takes some time?


Yes, give the beta of AIO 6.4 some time before it is rolled out to all users.

I am sure that @szaimen would push quicker if there was some severe security issue. For a normal minor update, give him some time to update the image and test it.

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I see, thanks, it’s my first time using Nextcloud so I was not sure about the release process. I’ll wait :slight_smile: