Display Duplicator Pro (Wordpress) backup files

I’m using Nextcloud with my hoster all-inkl (Germany) to backup Wordpress Websites with Duplicator Pro. This creates 2 files for each backup, *archive.daf and *installer.php
Automated backups are working fine, I can access the files via ftp, but not in the browser frontend.
Any settings that I have to make to display them?
Thanks in advance for any help,

Hi @blackflamingo

That’s probably because Duplicator Pro doesn’t support Nextcloud or WebDAV as a storage backend: User Guide - Snap Creek Software You were probably uploading the files via FTP to your hoster, so Nextcloud is not aware of them.

Also why would you need to see them in the Nextcloud UI in the first place? It’s not like you can do much with them on your Nextcloud.

Sure, looking at the contents of the php file might be possible in theory with some text editor. Not sure what app or settings are needed to open PHP files though. The other file is an archive, which you would have to extract first in order to look at its contents.

Hi bb77,
yes, I am uploading via ftp. And I don’t want to work with these files on my Nextcloud. But it would be nice to see them and know that the backup folders aren’t empty which would be the easiest way to be sure of a successfull backup.
Would be great to have the file names displayed, that’s all, I panic when I see an empty folder when there should be all my own and clients backups.
Thx for your answer,

If you uploaded the files via FTP to the respective folder inside the Nextcloud data folder, you can manually initiate a scan for new files with the occ files:scan --all command: Using the occ command — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

Thanks a lot!
As my Nextcloud runs on a Domainhosting I doubt this helps, I asked them how to make it work and if I get an answer I will post the solution here.

If you don’t have command line access, you could try this app: OCC Web - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud

I think Nextcloud is not the correct software for your issue. Maybe you can use Nextcloud for other things like sharing, …

Maybe you like Tiny File Manager (demo read only). That is only one file index.php and i think the coolest file manager. I also use it for web programming (HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript). user_auth is included but i always deactivate it and use .htaccess instead. You can upload the files with ftp and look with Tiny File Manager. A really great tool. I also uses it (sometimes) for directory sharing (i have made some nice modifications).

GitHub - Adphi/occweb says:

:warning: Deprecated :warning:

As nextcloudd has no native support for asynchronous operations, due to the use of php, this aplication is deprecated, and will no longer support the Nextcloud’ future versions (19+). I did not find a way to implemement true support for interactive and long running occ tasks in a web terminal whitout introducing addtional dependencies (through websockets, for example), the lack of true asynchronous occ operations can lead to serious alterations of voluminous instances. This issue may give some hints on why I decided to not support this application anymore.

my Nextcloud is Version 21.0.9

looks great.
Maybe you’re right…
Thanks devnull!

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Tiny File Manager is really great.
But Tiny File Manager uses CDNs to minimize size.
Also maybe you want to deactivate online_viewer Google.
$online_viewer = 'google';

For questions send me a PN.

The app has been updated in the meantime. But yes it is a stop-gap solution for people who are using a webspace without CLI access, and not an ideal solution.

Yep and I would go even further by saying that you don’t need a WebUI for the intendended usecase at all. I mean the backups are uploaded by Duplicator Pro and restores will most likely be handeld by this very same app.

@blackflamingo I get that a WebUI is sexy, but it also increases complexity and opens up more attack vectors. So if you don’t need to do anything with that files on the server, I wouldn’t bother with one. if you need to check on the server if the files are there, you can use Filezilla or WinSCP.

You can of course still use Nextcloud for other things, if you have a use case for it. But I would then put the Wordpress Backups in a seperate folder outside of the webroot of Nextcloud.

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