Display ALL files searched within a single folder?

Hello everyone,

I’m facing some problems with files search in Nextcloud. As I’m a new user, maybe there some things I’m not doing right.

What I would like :

  • Search for one (or several files) in the current folder (and subfolders too)
  • Get a list of all files matching my query.

Currently, when I’m searching (by using the search bar) the results I get are an (incomplete) list of files in all folders (even parent folders). This list appear just under the search icon, and the results are not sorted (kind of random display).

If I want to see more files, I need to click on the “Load more results”. The files are displayed 5 by 5, wich is a little tedious, when you have hundreds (or more) files to search for.

If I type a search text in the search bar and hit enter, I only get one random result, not all the files matching my query.

How could I perfom a search as described above ?
Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Nextcloud version : 20
Operating system and version Ubuntu 20


I’ve added a screenshot, it should be easier to understand :slight_smile:


I would like to get that feature to filter inside a folder back, as well. The new search function has potential but it does not work well with long file names and many search results. And also the search results are not sorted by name.



The problem is well described by Cmely
“Currently, when I’m searching (by using the search bar) the results I get are an (incomplete) list of files in all folders (even parent folders). This list appear just under the search icon, and the results are not sorted (kind of random display).”

As a result, when you have a lot of files the search bar is not very useful.

Best regards,

Still nothing?

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Helas, non…

The search tools is not very accurate… pas de chance

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Has nextcloud been abandoned ? Is development even happening? How does simple search not exist in a product which is all about file storage in the cloud. So I upload all my files and then can’t find them. What good is that!!! It is 2024. Hello people??? Anyone there?