Disable warning "Module php-imagick in this instance has no SVG support. For better compatibility it is recommended to install it."

My current installation is already done except for that message. As Iā€™ve seen preview can have some security concerns and we donā€™t need it, I set in config.php ā€œā€˜enable_previewsā€™ => false,ā€ but Iā€™m still having that message.

Is it possible to avoid that warning?

Nextcloud 25.0.4 / Manual installation / Debian 11

Looks like How to enable SVG for php-imagick

Yes I read that message, but what I want to achieve is to avoid installing php-imagick AND that warning message.

Disable the theming app.

Theming cannot get disabled since 25.

Iā€™d say this would be the best way: Enable usage of svg favicons and remove imagick from iconbuilder Ā· Issue #36607 Ā· nextcloud/server Ā· GitHub

So seems that best option is wait until nextcloud 27ā€¦ hummā€¦ such a long way.

ok, this is not a bug, just a bin annoying. Thanks for your help.