Directories autorescan?

This sounds a rather dumb question, but is Nextcloud supposed to auto rescan the directories from time to time?

I use Nextcloud on my NAS where I can directly add/remove/edit files without using Nextcloud. But when I browse with Nextcloud, I cannot see the new folders or new files I have added. This was however working on Owncloud before.

I have defined a cron background job and have manually run occ files:scan --all, but it does not help.

Has this feature been disabled? (I am checking before opening an issue.)

Can you run occ -vvvv files:scan --all, it normally should show you the folders it scans through.

Yep, I cannot find the folder I have added, neither the parent folder, neither the grandparent… Moreover, a lot of directories are missing from these logs, although they exist on the filesystem and are browseable in Nextcloud.

Hmm… sounds like it would be worth filing an issue at