Different Numbers Of Files


I’ve installed Nextcloud (Nextcloud Hub 5, v27.0.2) on a raspberry Pi 4 and am accessing storage on two machines as my test; a desktop system and a laptop.

I’m replicating my documents, pictures and scrivener files and my machines show different numbers of data files. Not many, I admit (about 10 files, 17,209 on my desktop and 17,199 on my notebook), but it bothers me that it’s different at all.

Can anyone offer an explanation why they’re different?



Did you try and force a sync on both?

I did. I’ve since checked the files in question and they are relatively unimportant so all that remains is the concern that it might affect something important. I do carry out regular backups so there is that at least.



Did you check for conflict files, or perhaps some files that are ignored? They might be on just one of the machines.

Conflicts. I was able to resolve most of them and any that I couldn’t I wasn’t bothered about. :slight_smile:
