Detail Search and Save search


I’d like to ask if there are some plans for an detail search. The idea is that you can make more details search like search after name. I’m thinking on something like:

  • Search at specific mimetypes
  • Search for recent edited files from user xx

So the idea is that an user can make an very specific search AND than save this search, so it can run later or on another folder.

The benefit would be that together with fulltext search you can define text strings and search filters to run your specific search on any folder to get an fast overview what’s in the specific subfolders.

Nextcloud can be used as online storage but also to share content and there it would be very useful to get an fast overview what’s in the shared folder.

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oh and I’m willing to help to implement this feature if someone can mentor me.

when you could save an search the next question would be, would it be possible to make an saved search available in the folder structure so you could download this dynamic folder.

something like Recent could be an saved search and can be used offline. internal it’s an linked file but you can have all the recent stuff always offline.