Desktop & Mobile Apps

No I said it is unacceptable for many people who reported that to me. I was not talking about me in that case. Even it is my opinion as well, I agreed to your suggestion that it should be configurable.

Maybe we can check whether there is an sd card, if yes we can sync the files autmatically.

To answer several concerns:

This is how it currently works, it syncs only document structure, but you can have a file selected as ‘favorite’ and that file is synced together with document structure, if needed.

Pre android 6 implementation was done by me, but never merged into the app, waiting for beta testers and reviews. Post android 6 is a lot harder, first of you need to ask user for permission to read external storage, handle response, than look for configuration differences in app, then look for external (not simulated) storage, again ask for user permission, and finally you can write to SD :wink:

XML? :grimacing:

We should really get that checked out.

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That would then be a server matter at first with then upcoming changes on the client side due to the new data format. Question would then still be if this should be done b/c it would completely break the interface and thus existing clients (e.g. community notes Android client). And we probably wouldn’t want that for now.

mh but imho it is better to implement all api breaking things as fast as we can, to make it easier for end users. They don’t want several updates which are breaking the API, so maybe in the next major release most of that stuff should be done to create a stable API as soon as possible.

Am I missing something? Where does this XML come from and what is meant with it?

@Ben doesn’t like that fact that the client is communicating via XML structures with the server.

I Never said that :stuck_out_tongue:
You mean @jyaworski, but yes I don’t like it either. It bloats up the communication process. A better technologie would be JSON or recently BSON.

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Ups, my mistake! But I get the point.

I think you might be missing a more obvious solution here. Currently, the Owncloud app does not allow you to mark a folder as available offline. If you add that functionality, you can mark a number of extremely important folders to always be up to date on your phone while never having to have those large files touch your phone’s storage.

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A little teaser until we are ready to do the initial release of the Android app :rocket:


Loving it! One question
 could the notification bar color be made to match the next cloud blue colour so it looks a little more cohesive? Also, I’m wondering if on the login screen, it might make things clearer to use the logo version that actually says “Nextcloud” instead of the one with just the image? To someone not familiar with Nextcloud (such as a friend or family member of the server admin asked to install this), the large ambiguous image at the top, that isn’t clearly a project logo in this context, may come across a bit odd.

Other than that, I’m loving how consistent, bright and clean this is looking!

Looking great @Andy ! I agree about adding the name on the login screen but I think the notification is fine how it is currently. Also is there any possibility of a dark theme? :wink:

Look here: Upload progress blue, notification white by williambargent · Pull Request #48 · nextcloud/server · GitHub :wink:

Eh? I’m confused.

I was talking about the notification bar on the Android app, being made the same Nextcloud blue as the blue bar at the top of the Android app.

The link you gave goes to a pull for the server app, referring to the upload bar and web ui notifications to admins.


Not really. I mean technically yes, now here comes the but.
The app’s action bar comes with the standard nextcloud blue. Looking at the material design guidelines, your action bar is your color baseline as in the so called 500-value while your system/notification bar shall ship with the 700-value equivalent. So one should not color both bars in the same color but the mentioned two different shapes.

As for the logo, I leave that to @jan since he is the design guru and the way it is now simply follows the server side where there is also no name but just the logo.

Sorry for the no’s, I leave it up to the designers though but at least for the system bar coloring would advise against a change very strongly.

I am fine either way so I would like to get some feedback from @jan first plus I would need the graphic work as in the svg file to generate the artifacts.

That would be a new feature and yes that should be technically possible even though I am not sure how much work this would be at this time since the code base isn’t perfect for multi theme support. We might also rather look into the new feature of Android day/night theme :smiley: But again this would then also need some input from @jan and the design team on how the dark theme should look like.

The Android release tag has been created :tada:


The Android client is live on the Play Store: