Desktop Development on Nextcloud Conference 2024?

Hi there,

I’m a developer working on a forked version of the Nextcloud Desktop client. I’m new to the community and looking to connect with others in it. I’ve been considering attending the Nextcloud Conference this year, but I’m unsure how much focus there will be on the Desktop Client, as it seems the conference primarily revolves around the Server and Nextcloud Hub.

To be honest, I’m not sure if it would be worth it for me to make the trip to Berlin from Rheinland-Pfalz. I’m hoping someone with more insight could help me out.

For example, are Desktop developers also present at the conference? Are there topics that cover this aspect of the Nextcloud ecosystem, or is most of the content server-related?

Thanks for your help!

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hello @chaetty
most of the Nextcloud desktop files client team will be at the conference and during the contributor week.
We will be happy to work and discuss with you any topic.
Feel free to reach out to us by joining the Desktop Community talk room we have Nextcloud
Do you have any specific topic or questions ?


hi @chaetty :slight_smile:

I will give a lightning talk about desktop development on how we use KDE Craft. It is short but we will be there if you want to approach us.

Do you have a link to your fork of the client? Why have you decided to fork it?

The main thing in the Nextcloud organization/project is the server so usually the conference will feature mostly it. The desktop client uses and depends on server features, so most of the conference content is worth your time even if you are only interested in the desktop client.

FYI, we are hiring for the desktop team at moment: Nextcloud is looking for people who want to join our team


@camila @mgallien
Thank you for the information! This absolutely answers my question. I’m glad to hear that members of the Nextcloud Desktop team will be at the conference and that there will also be talks on more specific topics like Craft. Your point about the server topics being relevant, even when I primarily work with the client, is very valuable. I’m still unsure if I will attend the conference, but I will definitely reach out if I do!