Desktop client 3.10 - False Conflict files, especially on Excel files


Nextcloud 25.0.4
Linux 5.10.0-21-cloud-amd64 x86_64
PHP : 8.1.17
My SQL: 10.3.38

Nextcloud office 7.1.6
Desktop app 3.10.0

I am using Nextcloud instance. We have updated the desktop app to 3.10.0 and now we have many conflict files even if we are alone to work on it. It seems it happens only with the Excel files.

We have thousands of files on our instance but it was working well before this updating.

Is there something to do ?
Thanks for your help.

Virginie MONTOYA

You could rollback to the previous client version for the time being.

Hi @Virginie_MONTOYA,
You are missing the required support template. Please fill this form out and edit into your post.

This will give us the technical info and logs needed to help you! Thanks.