Delete calendar event when tasks is done


The Basics

Nextcloud version :
Operating system and version : Armbian-unofficial 24.2.1 Bookworm \l . 6.6.18-current-bcm2711 (aarch64)
Debian 12 bookworm
Apache or nginx version : Apache 2.4.62 (Debian)
PHP version : 8.1.31

Summary of the issue you are facing:

I didn’t found exactly the same questions in the forum, so here it is : is it possible to make that once a task is done, it also deletes the calendar event associated (or most likely created at the same time) ?

Not sure this is an “issue” per se, most likely a lack in my understanding of how things work…

Posting here again in case some of you managed to do some magic around this :

I definitly want to see the task and task duration in my calendar. I can certainly delete the calendar element of a task manually, and only see the task in NextCloud celndar (and task), but then, it won’t show in my SimpleCalendar app on Android.

So somehow, I have to have :

  • Add Task in app (Android)
  • Which creates a tasks AND a calendar element (in NextCloud through CalDav sync)
  • Which then synchronize only the Calendar element from NextCloud to SimpleCalendar (on Android through Davx5 - it shows CalDav in the SimpleCalendar app, but really, it’s managed via Davx5)

So of course, when a task is finished, it disapears from the NextCloud tasks list, but not from the NextCloud calendar nor the Android SimpleCalendar app…

Not sure what the hiccup is here…