Ddns and nextcloud

i have a ddns domain and want to configure the nc to use the ddns instead of the static ip

in the config.php file i added my domain to the trusted domains and changed the

‘overwrite.cli.url’ => ‘https://***.***.***.***:***’,


‘overwrite.cli.url’ => ‘https://mydomain.com:***’,

what about this line:

‘dbhost’ => ‘***.***.***.***:***’,

should i change this to my domain as well instead of my static ip?

Your post is missing a bit of info, and contain a lot of info it does not need. Can you please remove all the boilerplate not needed to higlight your question, and be a bit more precise? You will recieve much better help if you do

It seems like you want to know how to use a domain name and not IP as you have up until this point? In that case, you need to add it as a trusted domain in config.php at least. Have you done that? If IP worked before that, you should be good to go, if you have ssl working

Do you have a ssl cert that will work with this domain?

done :slight_smile:

dbhost should be localhost if the database is running on the same system

Also, much better post now. Thanks!