Database Update Error with NextCloud 24 Beta 2

Running the usual way, on the latest version of Fedora 35. Coming from 23.0.2…

NTG NextCloud
Update to 24.0.0 beta 2

InvalidArgumentException: Column "oc_reader_bookmarks"."content" is type String, but exceeding the 4.000 length limit.
Detailed logs

Preparing update

Set log level to debug

Turned on maintenance mode

Repair step: Repair MySQL collation

Repair info: All tables already have the correct collation -> nothing to do

Repair step: Repair SQLite autoincrement

Repair step: Copy data from accounts table when migrating from ownCloud

Repair step: Drop account terms table when migrating from ownCloud

Updating database schema

InvalidArgumentException: Column "oc_reader_bookmarks"."content" is type String, but exceeding the 4.000 length limit.

The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the Nextcloud community.

I’ve run multiple times with the same results.

Try internet searching that error, searching it against the forum, and check nextcloud server github. Might not have been filed yet. Or might relate to bookmarks app.

Yeah, it’s here… no fixes…

I posted in the community because NextCloud explicitly requests that you do.

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