Data Loss after OnlyOffice Update

I am using Nextcloud on my own server, along with the OnlyOffice and Community Document Server for .doc editing. This morning I went to edit a file, and OnlyOffice halted at ‘Loading Document 100%’. I saw there was an update to OnlyOffice v6.0.0, so I updated that.

When I went to edit my document again I saw that it had reverted back to the document from 18 days ago. All work since then was gone.

I understood that OnlyOffice is only editing the files, and they are saved safely on your Nextcloud server, so the work should have been safe?

There is nothing in the Deleted Items folder and there are no versions available other than the one from 18 days ago.

Even if something happened within OnlyOffice, I don’t understand why the file wasn’t safe as it was saved to my server?

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My users also lost data recently with symptoms very similar to yours, I don’t know what the cause is at all. The timeframes also match with those of my users.

Nothing in Nextcloud file version history and few errors in ONLYOFFICE logs, see:

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