Data is not saved on external storage

Hello guys,

I recently installed myself nextcloud with a Raspberry Pi 3.
I also mounted an external harddrive to store my data, and I downloaded the desktop app, so that I can directly access it over my windows explorer. Under external storalge, there’s a green dot, and the harddrive should work properly.

My problem right now, is that despite having 1TB of storage on my HDD, NextCloud only shows me 2GB available. Whenever I upload over my Website, the data seems to be stored on the harddrive, howver if I inser something in my windows explorer folder, the server capacity of nextcloud seems to be used (those 2GB, which are basically immediately used up).

Has anyone had the same problem and got a solution to this problem?
Thank you already in advanced

If I’m not mistaken, external storage is setup for something like Dropbox or GDrive or OneDrive.

I have a 1tb hard drive as external storage to hold all data outside the installation directory.

I would configure the fstab file to auto mount the hard drive and configure the directories to point to that specific mount point.

I hope this helps you


Yes. The concept is build on primary storage and external storage. What you describe is primary storage and therefor a mount in the Linux system is the right way to attach it.

Wonderful, thank you guys. Though I‘m not quite sure how I would proceed with it. Which are the relevant linux commands for this task?



I followed some tutorials that show how to install an external hard drive as primary storage.

The auto mount is configured in the fstab.