Custom Logo doesn't work

Hi there, I’m running the latest Nextcloud version under a Hetzner managed Storage contract.

While I am able to change the background color in “Design” and change the text and imprint links on the login screen, my uploaded logos don’t appear on the login screen and within nextcloud. When I look up under Design, there’s a disclaimer telling “You are already using a custom theme. Theming app settings might be overwritten by that.”

How can I set priorities here so that my logos appear? Thanks for helping!


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I don’t know how far managed storage goes. Do you have access to the file system and config/config.php?

This is always displayed if a theme was created in the /path/to/nextcloud/themes folder (e.g. /path/to/nextcloud/themes/mytheme) and this theme got activated with

   'theme' => 'mytheme',

in config/config.php

So if you can edit the config.php then disable that key.

However, there is a technical possibility that the provider has set this theme in a config file that you cannot edit.

Hope this helps
Much luck!

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This is the solution. On Hetzner FAQ there is this answer:

If you plan to use your own favicon, you have to remove our default Storage Share design first. For this you can use the occ commands via konsoleH.

Basically the error you are getting is because Hetzner has configured a default theme and that should be disabled.

OCC commands here: