Custom Icon Color

Hello, i am using the Breeze Dark Theme with enabled Theming and CustomCSS App.
I changed the Background to a darker grey in the CustomCSS and make a few changes, because with Standard Parameters the Breeze Theme don’t look good to me.
Now the icons are black and i want to change them to white or blue. How can i do this?
Btw: If i disable the Theming App, the Icons change to blue, but also every CustomCSS will be disabled.
Is it better to disable the Theming App and do it in a Custom Theme? If yes, could someone help me with that? I don’t know how the Files should look like.


From what I can gather you’re referring to the folder icons, is that correct? You’ve probably set the Color option found under the Theming app settings. That setting has a limited effect when using the Breeze Dark theme, and the most visible effect is changing the colour of the folder icons, so you should be able to just reset it to the default setting, and the folder icons should go back to being the default blue. Though if you want the folder icons to be a different colour then using that option is currently the best way to do it.

So the colour in the folder icons should be changed using the Theming app and more or less everything else should be done in the Custom CSS app or the custom styling field in Breeze Dark. I would only do a custom theme as a last resort as it can be quite a bit of work.

I hope that answered your question, if it didn’t quite answer it you’re very welcome to elaborate a bit more, and I’ll see what I can do.


Thank you, that worked for me! Now i understand what i did wrong :slight_smile:

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any links?
Custom CSS to try out?