Windows 10
Nextcloud Desktop-Client 3.15.2
Hetzner StorageShare with Nextcloud
Just very new to Nextcloud. Got a Storage Share account from Hetzner that runs Nextcloud.
I have around 5GB of data that I wanted to transfer to the Nextcloud instance. Around 4GB of this is a cryptomator vault.
I had running the desktop client (Win 10) since almost 24 hours now and it didnt succeed. It syncs and syncs and syncs. One time some errors occurred but they got burried by new info messages of newly synced files.
The issue seems to be with the many cryptomator vault files. My non cryptomator files seem to have synced. No idea if it is because of the file length name or because of the amount of separate files (I did read here of users reporting that file sync might hang with many files).
Do you use/change these files during the client tries to upload?
Sorry, that I don’t know cryptomator, but is this a single large file, or a number of encrypted files?
Its a lot of encrypted folders and files. ciphertext filepaths look like d\2G\IXZF5SSTSBC2UHGSDDZIUGBMTHONC\I2bLyYtyybh-KKpt217QW90myIr4UA==.c9r\dir.c9r
When using it with dropbox I had no problems. Onedrive falsely classifies them as ransomware sometimes.
I packed them in a rar archive and then copied the archive into my shared nextcloud folder on Windows. There I extracted it and then waited for it to finish synchronizing. So I am not using them while sync. But not sure if it works at all.
i have a similar problem with my self hosted nextcloud and cryptomator and my android phone. my pc was syncing everything just fine. i couldnt sync a few folders that were encrypted with cryptomator, the nextcloud mobile app downloaded like 2KB and that was it, nothing in the logs, sometimes a error message that “something went wrong”. other cryptomator folders were synching fine.
the faulty folders had something in common, they had a few layers (i counted at least 3 and in my case a maximum of 5) in their decrypted folderstructure and i thought it might be a bit to long for filenames or something like that.
i tried a few things, i re-did the encryption and changed the max length for the encrypted filenames in cryptomator from 220 to 36 (the minimum) and uploaded the encrypted folder to my nextcloud but no luck, same behavior, 2KB in download and nothing more.
so i zipped every main folder, made a new vault with only the zipped files in it, encrypted the whole thing and uploaded it, now the nextcloudmobile app syncing the folder just fine and i can access every file with after decrypting with cryptomator.