To me ist sounds a bit uncommon, not to integrate refreshing data into the normal cron processing of Nextcloud. Why is this?
And this turns out to be problematic in some instances where it is not trivial to set-up the cron job, e.g. if Nextcloud is installed via cloudron: Nextcloud Preview Generator / cron trouble | Cloudron Forum
Of course you can argue that preview pre-generation should be built into Nextcloud as a ready-to-use feature, which I tend to agree with, but in the thread you linked to a solution was presented on how you could add a cornjob in Cloudron. Of course, the solution requires some manual configuration and is not a one-click process. But it seems doable.
After all, Cloudron is not just some hobby project, but a commercial product that makes money by packaging and distributing open source applications, so they could as well implement a solution to make life easier for their customers, e.g. by shipping and pre-configuring an Imaginary container, like the official Nextcloud AIO appliance does, instead of just passing responsibility upstream.