Create own NextCloud APP?

Hello Community,

i want to create a NextCloud APP, now there are some Question about this topic.

I am pretty new in this Topic, but i have some experiences with NextCloud, Bash, Java Script and little bit Angular JS.

What are the Steps for building a NextCloud APP? Is there a way for doing this, is here some one in this community who can teach me?

Is there some documentation or some “how do it” i has only founding this developer Guide from Nextcloud 9.0 ?

How deep must be my knowledge about JAVA Script for creating a APP ?

In which language are normaly the APPS written ?

Is there a good Book for this tasks!

When i create a Nextcloud APP is it also usefully for Owncloud?

Thx you in advance

cheers schreck

this is for Nextcloud 10:

Apps are normally written in PHP.
Here you can read the code of many different apps


Hello thx first for your answer.

Is possible to get a freelancer or a teacher for some Nextcloud APPs ? I can pay also for it!

Thx cheers Martin

I remember that there was a talk on a owncloud conference in 2015 where there was one session about how to create his own app. It was just an example. I’m not sure if it was recorded and if the presentation slides are available @jospoortvliet

If you’re looking for a freelancer, you can ask here in this forum:

You can of course also simply contact Nextcloud GmbH:
We can redirect your request to a partner who can help you out. We have partners in various countries.

If you want to write your own app, there is the documentation:
You could also come by at an event - we have monthly meetups as well as regular Hackathons like one later this month:

and of course our conference.

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