"Could not connect to the entered URL, please check Nexcloud logs" when try to connect OpenProject

Nextcloud Ver: 25.0.1
OpenProject Ver: 12.4.1
Both Servers: Oracle Linux 8.7
OpenProject Integration Ver: 2.1.0

Hello Community,

I have a problem. I would like to connect an OpenProject server to my Nextcloud via the OpenProject integration. When I try to do that I get the following error.

“Konnte nicht zu der eingegeben URL verbinden, prüfe bitte die Nexcloud-Protokolle”.

“Could not connect to the entered URL, please check Nexcloud logs”.

Detailed error message:
cURL error 7: (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for https://community.openproject.org//api/v3/

The two servers are located in a DMZ. Firewall is free and nothing is blocked.

‘allow_local_remote_servers’ => true,
was also enabled in config.php.

I tried to integrate the community server from OpenProject. But with the same error message.
I also tried an older version of the OpenProject integration. Without success.

If someone has a solution, I would be very pleased.

Kind regards

Sellinux war das Problem. Nachdem es deaktiviert wurde, funktionierte es wieder.

Great, that you could solve it.
BTW: Also the slash a the end of the OpenProject host name looks wrong. In your error message it says “https://community.openproject.org//api/v3/”. Do you see there is a double slash after the host name?

Wieland (OpenProject team)

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