Could not boot bookmarks: Could not resolve symfonyAdapter

I just upgraded to Hub 7 on my 32-bit test system, and all seems to work just fine, except one thing. When I try to open the Bookmarks app, I get an 500 internal server error, and I see this in the log:

Could not boot bookmarks: Could not resolve symfonyAdapter! Class “symfonyAdapter” does not exist

What might be the problem here? Anybody else seeing the same issue?

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The bookmarks app is not compatible with Hub 7 yet, you will need to disable it until the next release

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Whew, that’s a relief! Bookmarks are by far my primary use of Nextcloud. About had a heart attack 30 minutes ago when I upgraded to Hub 7 and Bookmarks stopped working! Searching for “symfonyAdapter” assuaged my terror. Thanks so much!

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Thanks for the heads up. Much appreciated!

Do you have a rough timeframe for the next release?

Is there a way to see which modules are breaking before you upgrade? As a more recent user I am not totally up to scratch with it.

Do you have a rough timeframe for the next release?

I hope to have it ready within this week

Is there a way to see which modules are breaking before you upgrade?

Yes. Apps mark which nextcloud versions they are compatible with. Marking the app compatible with 28 before the 28 release was an oversight on my part.


v13.1.2 is out now, you should be able to install within the next hour

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All fixed - can now access bookmarks app again. Thank you!!!

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Don’t seem to be able to create new bookmarks. No errors, but aren’t saved.

Will try to enable debug a bit later and see if I can get some logs.

EDIT: Please ignore - it all works → PEBKAC

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The app works at first glance after the update, but my floccus clients don’t seem to be able to sync either.

wow, thank you so very much! your work is greatly appreciated!!

Floccus also got an update recently which currently has some toothing pains, so it might be that. Are you on floccus v5?


Looking into upgrading to v5.0.3, but for that I’ll have to change from f-droid to another upgrade method.

F-Droid will catch up in the coming days, no worries.

The Floccus v5.0.4 Firefox extension finally syncs successfully, but the Android app of the same version still reports an error (used to work before the Hub 7 upgrade).

As an unrelated note: what on Earth is the NC app doing, that performing a search in a single browser causes a 40+ load on my server, leading to a full-on crash of every service running on it?

the Android app of the same version still reports an error

v5.0.5 is already on its way… :sweat_smile:

performing a search in a single browser causes a 40+ load on my server

Please report this on