I run NC and CODE in different VMS with an NGINX proxy on the Frontend (and CODE has a different domain):
so this config may be wrong for you but may give you a hint:
thanks for you answer. I will try this. What do you mean by “Also, just enter ‘https://office.domain’ in the NC Config, if you add a trailing ‘/’ it will break” I didnt change the NC config for collabora at all. I only set the url at the NC App. Their is nothing at the tutorials. Did I miss something?
Hey I had the same problem with nginx and nextcloud. I solved by changing
location ^~ /lool
location ~ /lool
I found that somewhere else here on the forums after scratching my head for several hours.
Still don’t know exactly what the problem was, but it had to do with the url links that nginx passes along.
In my setup I have an nginx container and the office container… both on the same host and network. Could this be a reason? Im always changing the “” to “containername” and I getting no errors and see the connections in the logs.
@rtznprmpftl Did you change some settings in the office container (or somewhere else than the nginx config) when you run it on 2 different servers?
My setup is the same as cracker0dks. Cloud and CODE in separate Containers on one docker-installation with only one domain and separat certs for each host-container. The nginxproxy ist jwilder/nginx-proxy with jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion. All seems to be ok, but:
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to office.mydomain.de port 443: Connection refused
Where must I insert the solution in this nginx-config? In /etc/nginx/vhost.d? My changes in /etc/nginx/vhost.d will overwrite on next startup. Must I change the name “collada-office” to my container-names?
you dont have to name it “collada-office" but it must be consistent with your nginx config part.
“Connection refused” seems to be a nginx config problem.
I changed the default.conf on my nginx (nothing else). Dont forget to reload nginx to reload the changed config.
Thanks for the quick answer. In my case with jwilder/nginx-proxy will the configfile /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf rewrite with dynamic content in dependence of the started client-containers. The format of this file is equal to yours. The file /etc/nginx/vhost.d/default is static and can be editing persistent. Server-statements are not allowed.