Contacts birthday are shown double in calendar

There is another way to get rid of the double entries if the occ doesn’t work as on my NAS:

  1. Create a new adressbook
  2. Export your contacts of your old adressbooks
  3. Delete all the old adressbooks
  4. Delete the birthday-calendar
  5. Create a new adressbook for your contacts
  6. Import the contacts

Finally the calendar is created automatically.

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How do i delete the adressbook? I can not find a button.

Step 1 of my list!

You must first create one before you can delete the old! Obviously it is not possible to use nextcloud without any adressbook.


But still very confusing to a user that wants to do some migration for some reason. It would be more intuitive if you could delete first and then get a message in contacts that you should first create an addressbook before contacts is usable.



Just to add to this solution - if you removed the contacts_birthday subscription as a user, then you need to re-generate the subscription calendar specifically for that user:
./occ dav:sync-birthday-calendar

Found in:

Hi Micha-Btz,
where did you find the logs in DAVDroid? I am mostly interested in the following posted expression, as I would like to access my birthday calendar via ICS (read only), but could only find the direct link to the calendar, where you always need to log in:
HTTP REQUEST: PUT /remote.php/caldav/calendars/MichaDO/contact_birthdays/431f1fde-fd75-4b8c-8ba9-0854a31dd49b.ics If-Match: “b24b014ac8d13a5c8a3b128eb95ae215”

So I am missing the access 431f1fde-fd75-4b8c-8ba9-0854a31dd49b for my birthday calendar

Regards … Max