Connexion problem (it seems with openssl) with external url wit the cookbook ap

I Tried to download recipes from verified website (by cookbook user) but it failed on every website with the error below.(see attached pictures from the message error on the app and the log error from nextcloud)
I have a nas qnap TS-453A with Nexcloud 19.0.1

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ‘the app in nextcloud.’
  2. paste the internet adresse from verified website (by cookbook user) in the url box in the app
  3. See error : (see below)
  4. Nextcloud log error

Expected behavior
download the recipe from verified website (by cookbook user).


firefox 77.0.1

Otherwise all app and nextcloud itself work very well.
Someone could help me to fix the problem?
Thanks for your help


From the messages on the debug console, it looks as if the fetching process is interrupted by some SSL issue. I am sure, that this is no longer the newest version of the cookbook app that was used in the tests. Unless I know the exact version, I cannot look at the source code and look for a hint.

I this still an issue? Can you provide the URL to the offending recipe, please?

Until I have the required information, I cannot do much.
