Connection reset by peer in connection


i am running nextcloud 28.0.1 on a self hosted proxmox LXC. I am also using a nginx reverse proxy.

Today i noticed that i have several erros in the nextcloud log

cURL error 35: OpenSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to (see for
Failed to fetch the Collabora capabilities endpoint: cURL error 35: OpenSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to (see for

I have no idear how to fix that. Can you help?

make the URL below available from Nextcloud container

thanks for the fast answer. I am not sure how to achieve that. When i visit that URL with my browser i get this output:

{"convert-to":{"available":true,"endpoint":"/cool/convert-to"},"hasMobileSupport":true,"hasProxyPrefix":true,"hasTemplateSaveAs":false,"hasTemplateSource":true,"hasWASMSupport":false,"hasZoteroSupport":true,"productName":"Collabora Online Development Edition","productVersion":"","productVersionHash":"hash","serverId":"id"}

So how can i verify that this url is available from my container? One thing i should say, the container with nextcloud is in a different network than my pc. I tried to ping the URL, but i got no response. From my pc and my container.

you’ll find useful hints in the Collabora integration guide

familiarize yourself with the technologies you use e.g. is good starting point for Docker systems . it will help you troubleshoot and solve issues sooner than later…

you can’t ping an URL! you can ping an IP/hostname but not an URL… one can use wget/curl to access the URL from the command line but this is a different story. …and for WOPI it makes huge difference where you access the URL from.