I want to configure our NC installation in such way that a small group of people (think of a club, NGO, citizens’ initiative) can jointly use it as common work space.
The profile and desired set-up would consist of:
- No personal files/folders to avoid people growing private data silos
- Common landing page that gives everyone logging in directors
- Tasks should be assignable and shared
- no skeleton files for new users
- Joint editing of text documents
- Locked down federations
I am therefore reaching out to get help and hints on how to configure the NC instance for that needs.
Here are the solutions I discovered or which I am thinking of and my questions:
Avoiding personal files & documents
Will putting a quota of 0 (zero) avoid that users can store own files?
How can I configure the NC such way that new files land in public and group folders? -
Common landing page that gives everyone logging in directors
Currently, I am using Announcement center together with Admin notifications to achieve the landing page.
How can I make announcements sticky, i.e. always stay on top? -
Tasks should be assignable and shared
I have to test this still.
But can I assume that by default, the task app allows assignment and sharing of tasks? -
no skeleton files for new users
I removed the skeleton files from the installation. --> Solved! -
Joint editing of text documents
How can I have all new notes to get created as files with *.md suffice so that they can be edited with the markdown editor app straight-away? -
Locked down federations
How can I prohibit importing other external clouds?
Can the sharing via public links be limited?
e.g. all links must be hidden and with a password and shall expire by default? -
Further optimisations
Are there any further suggestions or ideas how to convert the instance from private multi-user to a common group workspace?
Any also possibilities or workflows that would reduce the admin work?
Thanks in advance and regards.