while i was trying to enable the Preview Generator app in nextcloud, after a lot of ls commands, i typed the command: sudo nextcloud.occ preview:generate-all
in that moment the GUI of my nextcloud turned off and showed me the next error:“Error: configuration was not read or initialized correctly, not overwriting /var/snap/nextcloud/45728/nextcloud/config/config.php”
I did not modified anything in config.php
After 5 min i restarted my UBUNTU server where snap NextCloud was installed. After the Ubuntu Server was restarted my nextcloud - https://alincloud.go.ro/index.php/ → did respond it anymore showing: “This site can’t be reached”
I can’t think of anything in the previewgenerator app that would cause a config write on its own.
One possibility that comes to mind which is that your instance just happened to try to update at the same time: Nextcloud Snap: Updates. (In which case there is a revert procedure that could help, but I’d personally want to check my logs a bit more to confirm that that an update even took place before running that - just to confirm).
If it’s not update related:
I’d also suggest checking (and maybe posting) the last couple entries from your nextcloud.log from during that time period.
Might be worth checking the logs of your host system itself too (i.e. via journalctl) in case it was triggered by something disk I/O related (I only mention that because preview:generate-all is a really heavy consumer of system resources so it is also a bit of a stress test if there are any hardware problems).