Compatibility: Windows Desktop App v2.3.3 (Build 1) with Nextcloud Server 14.0.8


Juts want to confirm the compatibility between Windows Desktop App v2.3.3 (Build 1) with Nextcloud Server 14.0.8. Will word correctly? FYI, i am now still on Server 13.0.4 and planning to upgrade to 14.0.8. All our client version is v2.3.3 (build 1).

Thank you

Please note that 13.0.4 was released in June last year, the last NC 13 version was 13.0.12 and support for the 13.0.x branch expired recently. Ideally, you keep up with the minor versions and migrate to the next major version before the support ends. NC 14 is only supported until September…, so prepare already for NC 15.

The minor updates shouldn’t be a big issue, they fix a lot of small bug and security fixes, so it should be installed on a regular basis. In the community version, you can’t really avoid a major upgrade at least every year. For enterprise subscription it is different.

The schedule for the desktop client is not as clear. Unfortunately, there are still a couple of issues with the 2.5-branch (new features like the E2E encryption still create some issues, also larger folders) and some say, the 2.3 branch is better. Hopefully they manage to stabilize the 2.5 branch soon.

Thank you for your reply.

FYI, in my admin GUI, system is recommended me to upgrade to version 14.0.8. Do i still need to upgrade to 13.0.12 first, before proceed to 14? If yes,how? because admin GUI just show a guide to upgrade to 14.0.8.