Collabora or onlyoffice enable parallel work on a word document?


we are thinking of integrating collabora or onyloffice in our nextcloud. We like the possibility of working together on a file at the same time and I didn’t find anywhere here or in google a answer if you can work in real time together on a word document - does someone here have the answer? I know that it is possible in the open source file formats but will it also be possible for docx?

thank you in advance!

First, docx is an open format (OOXML -> ISO/CEI 29500). We can discuss about it but its not the main topic.
Secondly, onlyoffice is fully compatible with OOXML (docx, xlsx…). its interface is very close to that of Word. You can test Onlyoffice with Desktop editor Here. The online and dektop version are identical.

Have a good day :slight_smile:

Thank you bastien, for the answer to my question and the clarification! I will test it directly!

@bastien but can you confirm that it is possible to work in real time together on the same docx file when onlyoffice is integrated into nextcloud?

Yes I can confirm. I send you a link in private. You can test. Give me a feedback