Collabora Document Limitation by Purpose (10Docs/20Connections)

Hi all,
that’s why I’m working on a plugin to open Microsoft Office/LibreOffice files from nextCloud WebInterface.

I’m working for the French Health Services. We can not buy the full Collabora licences due to budget restriction…

So i’m working on a possible solution: one nextCloud Plugin. Got a 0.1 version making it nice using an ActiveX. Only works with IE11 (yep we are still on win7pro!!).
I know this is not a good solution, but it works for us for the moment. I have to make more tests to make it runs everywhere. I will Also make improvements to get a full plugin using WebExtensions for a full compatibility on Edge/FireFox/Chrome if it is possible.( IE11 is not displaying things like it should be.)

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If you build it yourself, there are no restrictions: HowTo: Install Collabora Online on Ubuntu 16.04. (without Docker!) - #10 by david_menendez
(I’m not 100% sure in terms of licensing)

I came across this also today and I’m not impressed by it either - the fact that the first I knew of the limit was the popup makes for a nasty surprise!

Ok so for those who need to have no restrictions and compile from source, is there a method to overwrite or update from the docker to a compiled version without breaking everything? Also how do you remove the docker version and replace with compiled? How do we migrate over please?

This is actually a rather nasty move, to be honest.

Look, I appreciate that it is a business and a business needs to make money in order to survive (and in order to even have a point), but this is still supposed to be open-source software that anyone can pick up and use.

In my case, I’ve been trying to get it up and running for our church (a non-profit), but the docker image hasn’t worked, and now I’ve learned that in order to run the build script, I need 4 GB of RAM, which is rather expensive on Digital Ocean (where I have our servers). I can’t even find a PPA with build of CODE or LOOL.

Also,@tflidd, I’m not sure where you got the impression that building from source has no restrictions? Everything else I’ve read on the forums indicates that it does. For open source software, that’s not cool at all.

Might as well go ahead and be honest as a company and let the community know that this product is solely for profit. Nothing wrong with that (it’s not evil to make a living). But it is evil to basically hide/obfuscate the truth.


Hi @rolandixor,

Maybe you want to consider using Onlyoffice. It is said to be easier to install and it seems to be richer in features.
I was always wondering about the many complains when it comes to installing Collabora and the suggestions to rather stick with Onlyoffice. I understand that now. While I wanted the feature to edit files with non-NC users as well so badly (might come in Onlyoffice in the future was well), I switched to Collabora and I was pretty disappointed by what is offered by Collabora compared to Onlyoffice.

  • very difficult to install
  • limited to 20 connections or 10 files
  • very limited regarding MS Office compatibility (many Excel Sheets only contain of “#Value” Cells)
  • very few office capabilities

Especially after all the pain the installation brought, it was kind of frustrating to see what it is actually capable of.
I’m going to switch back to Onlyoffice and maybe this is the best solution for you, too.


I’ve had some headache to install collabora in everyway docker or from source.

@rolandixor But when compiling it from source you can change the lock numbers of users and connections: but it will be expensive on digitalocean

@Schmu also i never get to hav e onlyoffice working do you have a nice how to to give me ?

The problem with OnlyOffice is that it requires a sign up process, a banner (I hate website banners, especially when you have to account for them messing with your design/layout), and then a waiting period.

But, at least they are honest and up front. Honestly, I would love to stick with LibreOffice because it’s what I’m familiar with and out of nostalgia (funny, and silly, I know)… but if push comes to shove I’ll have to drop the whole idea. That’s frustrating though, because it would be great if we could share AND edit documents on the cloud.

The one cool thing about Digital Ocean is that I can scale the CPU and RAM temporarily, do the compilation, and then scale back down. It will only charge for the time used, which is nice.

Hi @Nemskiller

This guide right here was very straight forward (no docker though)

I hope it will help you.

With docker however it should be pretty easy to prepare both Collabora and Onlyoffice and switch between them very quickly to have a better comparison. So that’s what I’m doing now :wink:

While I switched to new hardware and also changed the OS from Ubuntu to ArchLinux and the web server from apache (with nginx as proxy for Onlyoffice) to nginx only and now want to use Docker, I have to start from the scratch. Let’s see how easy it goes this time :stuck_out_tongue:

@rolandixor A signup process? I didn’t have that. And the only banner was similarly small like the upper left corner banner of Collabora. I understand the nostalgia nonetheless :wink:

Hello everybody,
for override the collabora’s limitations I installed thedarkknight/libreoffice-online-unlimited but it not working as well (WOPI not authorized host problem). Is this a viable solution?

Connect running docker container with command:
1.) docker exec -it containername bash
2.) apt update
3.) apt upgrade
4.) apt install mc
5.) mcedit /etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml
6.) Under <wopi tag insert new <host tag with your network regex pattern
7.) Save xml
8.) Press Ctrl-d to exit
9.) docker stop containername
10.) docker start containername
11.) Voila !!

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Thanks for the tips of apt install.
Before i was typing :
Docker cp dockerimage:/pathfile /serverpathfile
Nano or vim file
Docker cp /serverpathfile dockerimage:/pathfile

I am back again after some absence with nextcloud and in terms of functions which one do you think is the best irrespective of nasty user/connection limits.

I am back because from what I am reading on Armbian there is a cheap low cost SBC that may be perfect for SoHo Nextcloud installs.

The Armbian devs have swung it for me as they have been tweaking and testing the I/O

With more capable SSDs and USB Attached SCSI we now get 380MB/s and network performance with Linux is 940 Mbits/sec in both directions. ROCK64 is the fastest SBC for NAS use cases currently around. Some details especially in the posts below: Building OMV automatically for a bunch of different ARM dev boards - Seite 12 - General - openmediavault

The reason for what looks like a sales pitch is finally there is a board with the I/O not to suck at its purpose, problem being its Arm64 not even ArmHF (32 bit).
I am thinking with that USB3.0 & Gig eth at its cost its just about spot on and with 4Gb ram should have a decent level of file cache & buffers.

So with you guys still trying to compile as you seemed to be trying this 6 months ago is this still a cul-de-sac of pseudo open-source as with experience its not unusual to publish an opensource project whilst the reality is only the commercial offering is working.

Then with OnlyOffice vs Collabora Code does OnlyOffice just duplicate a lot of the Nextcloud apps or as an online document editor is it better than Collabora?

I have my little project lined up and waiting for the delivery of a Rock64 got a few external drives and a cheap 4 bay Raid unit just to give things a test.
Arm64 Debian Stretch or Ubuntu Xenial are available and the Armbian guys already have a range of tweaks & fixes specific to the Rock64.

I am pretty sure I can get OpenMediaVault & Nextcloud running on that board, I am not so sure about Collabora & Only office and it would be really sweet to have that included.

Even wondering if maybe it would run in a chroot under Android 7.1 via Linux Deploy.

So a million questions apologies about that.

I did notice collabora have version 2.0 and they seem to of given out repo access to CODE is this any better and is the source any better?
Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) - Collabora Office and Collabora Online

It depends on what you want. For example Onlyoffice has extremely good Microsoft OOXML support while Collabora has a bunch of nice integration features like guest edit from a public file share.

I need to run up OnlyOffice & Collabora and get past the ARM64 hurdle and question if Microsoft OOXML is a positive or negative roadmap in terms of opensource?

This didn’t work.

Did you ever solve this? I’m having the same issue.

Alfred, you are completely correct.

However, a core format will stay a core format forever. And integration features is a matter of time and the demand from users side.

This. We are comparing Collabora and ONLYOFFICE, based on the fact they are ostensibly open source alternatives to Google Docs. Since I could not easily find the Collabora sourcecode, and based on reading this discussion, I am now leaning heavily towards ONLYOFFICE (which has sourcecode on Github).

In my opinion, the Document Foundation needs clearer instructions for people wanting to install/use LibreOffice Online, including the possibility to integrate the project with Nextcloud.

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In my opinion, the Document Foundation needs clearer instructions for people wanting to install/use LibreOffice Online, including the possibility to integrate the project with Nextcloud.

Exactly. Libreoffice Online has a long way to go still. It can do some awesome things, but it has to get way better in terms of features as well as communication.