Collabora "connecting" delay for 20 seconds

I just tested this, but it doesn’t change the delay… Is CODE using the /opt/lool/systemplate/etc/resolv.conf file?

no - this is the problem. docker ensures that the /etc/resolv.conf is provided via a special mount (so the contents of this file inside the image are not actually used). the --dns-ip option allows you to override the default action which is to simply use the contents of the host /etc/resolv.conf. normally this option isn’t required unless you have a nameserver bound to the loopback adapter of the host or similar weird/special config.

from what I understand the /opt/lool/systemplate/ is like a chroot jail used by the environment of the document editor, so it’s the collabora subprocess which sees this as the resolv.conf to use. this comes factory prepared from the person who packaged this image as (and it was in the previous release).

@guddl 's response above seems like a good solution to this issue - assuming that the chroot jail or whatever collabora uses is happy with a symbolic link.

i’m guessing that since the /etc/resolv.conf is mounted in by docker that it would probably be recommended to rename the file and create the symbolic link in the / or /etc/rc.local or something simiilar. i’m not sure how solid a symbolic link to a mount would be.