Collabora and Onlyoffice together in NC13?

is there any chance to use Collabora and Onlyoffice together in NC 13? In my configuration Onlyoffice works nicely but I would like to add Collabora to get native support for odt files. Both installations are on seperate servers but I am not able to connect to Collabora.

Does anybody know about this?

I had that for a while on my home setup and I still do have both configured in our NC setup at work. There’s actually no magic required, as you set both of them up just the way they’re supposed to. The only decision to make is which app should take precedence for pptx, xlsx and docx files, pushing the other option out to the options-popup of the files app. That is, you can configure either OnlyOffice or Collabora Online to start up, when clicking on the document in the browser, but you will have to send the document to the other app via the file’s option menu.

In short, both setups are independant and none breaks the other, if it’s already in place. If Collabora doesn’t work atm, I presume, that it also will not work, if you de-configure OnlyOffice in NC.