I’m working through setting up NextCloud for a friend, and I am getting a weird issue where the Allow list for WOPI requests field blanks itself on confirmation (By pressing ENTER or clicking the arrow adjacent to the field)
As a result, I’m not able to set the Allow List properly or get rid of the WOPI Allow List warning.
Is this a known bug?
Is there a way to set the allow list programmatically or via occ? The only thing I found in occ was related to regenerating blank templates and converting something to bigInt.
As far as I can tell, there are no issues with Collabora being able to communicate with Nextcloud. I also have the proxy in Nextcloud’s trusted_proxies.
I would also like to test the claim that “Without this setting users may download restricted files via WOPI requests to the Nextcloud server”. Is there a sample request that I can reference? It’s my first time dealing with WOPI