CODE 4.0.0 couldn't open ODF files with non-English filename

When opening ODF files on Nextcloud with

This version of Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) is powered by


4.0.0 (git hash: 173510f)


Collabora Office 6.0-18 (git hash: e74e598)

If the filename contains non-English chars (e.g. Chinese chars) it would pump a dialog with “Failed to load the document. Please ensure the file type is supported and not corrupted, and try again.”

And in loolwsd.log there were some error messages:

In loolwsd.xml I didn’t see zh_TW in <allow_languages> and have no idea how to add zh_TW either. (Only adding it in the loolwsd.xml seems not worked.)

Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated.

Yes this is quite critical for filenames with Spanish characters like ñ or “áéíóú” that returns the same "Failed to load the document. Please ensure the file type is supported and not corrupted, and try again.”

Thanks for working on this bug.