Clarifications on AGPL License

I’m hoping @jospoortvliet will give me his wisdom on AGPL requirements.

I’m building a public web service and would like to use NextCloud for the file storage part, but I’m a bit unclear on the AGPL implications. I’ve read around the web and on this forum, and it’s clear that any changes to the NextCloud core code need to be published back to the world. However, I’ve got a number of grey areas that I’m hoping to get clarified?

Scenario 1
Core code change that is a useful addition to NextCloud. This could be a bug fix or feature.

My guess: Requires publication.

Scenario 2
Core code change that is specific to my needs and would be a negative to the code base. I’ve got a few features that I want to suppress so I’m going to find the UI code and comment it or change it. This wouldn’t be useful to the general public. Would this require a fork and publish a new repo? I realize that any upgrades would remove these changes so it’s a bit of a maintenance issue, and I’ve seen a few similar forum questions. It would be hard to believe every tweak would require a new fork.

My guess: Coin toss

Scenario 3
New app. Do all apps need to be published on the marketplace? In the spirit of open source, I’d publish a generally useful app, but what if it’s something that is unique to my webservice? Do I need to document it for public consumption if I know no one will want it. Also seems like it would junk up the app store.

My guess: Coin toss

Scenario 4
Config data. Since that is technically source, how do you get to modify config data and keep it private.

My guess: Do not need to publish.

Scenario 5
Code that uses NextCloud APIs or NextCloud app APIs.

My guess: Do not need to publish.

Scenario 6
Code that updates data in the NextCloud database. If there is no code interaction and it’s in a separate repo, I’m guessing that would not be considered part of NextCloud.

My guess: Do not need to publish.

Thanks for any insights you have. I’ve been using open source software for 20 years and am a little disappointed I’m so confused. It got me wondering, if you violate an OS license, who sues you? All the developers? I feel like I just dropped out of the matrix and everything is gritty and hard.

Open source licenses like the AGPL don’t actually require your ACTIVE contribution - so publishing on the app store or on github is not needed. It would be nice, for sure, but it isn’t mandatory.

Publication merely requires that you make the code available to your users.

So all you need to do is bundle the entire code of your end result and put it in a zip file for download, linking to it from a visible place. Eg the login screen, where we by default link to Offer everything that is covered under the AGPL, so not things that talk over webDAV but things like apps & core modifications.

Of course, anything you feel is useful for us that you contribute back to us is super welcome, first because it helps us and second because it helps you (our review might find bugs; you won’t have to maintain the code in new releases),

WRT the specific scenario’s:
1, 2 and 3 need to be in the zip file
4 not
5 - the app api, yes, as that would be an app. THe OCS/WebDAV/CalDAV etc api, no, as that wouldn’t (have to) be a PHP thing that runs as part of Nc.
6. Nope

I AM NOT A LAWYER so take this as a laymen’s understanding. Sorry, I HAVE to give that disclaimer…

Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply. I’m hoping I will have something useful to contribute back.