clamAV remove files


I installed clamAV in my NC13 installed server.
Now this working by cron job. Excecuting fresh and inspect.
And I will add remove option to infected files.
Is there any affect to NC13. ??
Is NC13 safely working by removing files by clamAV ??

Do you have the app?


Thank you for your answer.
I will try files_antivirus.

Will this be a good idea to run sth like this on a small ARM? (e.g. raspberry pi? :smiley: )

I installed files_antivirus. set app.
Working fine.

“app”: “files_antivirus”,
“level”: 0,
“message”: "Exit code :: 0 Response :: stdin: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6431890
Engine version: 0.99.3
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 0.88 MB
Data read: 0.34 MB (ratio 2.55:1)
Time: 19.877 sec (0 m 19 s)
“method”: “PUT”,
“remoteAddr”: “?.?.?.?”,
“reqId”: “WqHuaHaSo6lRSHRsXofpLAAAAAE”,
“time”: “2018-03-09T11:16:28+09:00”,
“url”: “/???/remote.php/webdav/work/www_c_rieger_de_nextcloud_more_secure_using_clamav.pdf”,
“user”: “adminpetisen”,
“userAgent”: “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.186 Safari/537.36”,
“version”: “”

Depends on the number and the size of file uploads you plan. Test and monitor the CPU load I’d recommend.

I feel It takes a long time although the size is small.
Probably I should tune the app or clamAV.
I will research clamAV conguration.

A RPi3 is probably too lightweight for some serious scanning. I had files_antivirus installed on NC9 and it really slowed down the uploads of larger files, even on a 4 vCPU XEN guest. Also, this will limit the size of the files you can upload, since clamd will only be able to scan files, that fit into the main memory. I think though, that you can offload the scanning onto some other host, which then shouldn’t be a RPi, obviously.

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Thank you for your suggestion.
Because now not yet started the service for users, I deactivated NC13 antivirus. My KVM server has 3CPU.when scanning going working slow. I will try to scan from another server that implements clam daemon.

Even if you have clamav running locally please consider using the daemon mode (socket). This is significantly faster.

Thank you for your suggestion.
I changed appli’s config. and daemoned clamd by systemctl. but now not working. although drop infected file on the folder. nothing occured. Is there any mistake ?? should i show any other configuration. i set auto scan to clamd service too. my environment CentOS7 and PHP7.1.

Finally working well. working very fast.