Chrome Browser extension and TOTP (on Nextcloud)

Hi there,

I currently have TOTP ( installed on NextCloud. T This is preventing Passwords from syncronizing the browser.

I’ve tried creating an app password, but that doesn’t seem to make any difference.

Is there a way to use Passwords with TOTP?

With the Chrome Extension, it should be enough to create an app password and save it in the extension settings.

Which version of Nextcloud, the app and the extension are you using and what is the error message that you get?

The app password doesn’t work. Nextcloud 17 and the extension arrows just spin and spin for over a minute, then stop.

Can you check the Nextcloud log for login errors. (Entries like Warning: Login failed: username (Remote IP: The reload-icon spinning for so long and then just stopping sounds like previous failed logins triggered the brute-force protection and now the extension runs into a timeout while trying to fetch data.

Maybe it would help if you open chrome://extensions/ and click on “Background Page” of the extension and check the Console for errors and the Network tab for failed requests.

You can also run this command from the console to check if the app password was actually saved:{console.log(result)})

My mistake. It is working – the arrows just don’t stop turning, but it does indeed sync with an app password. Sorry to trouble you. Two additional things:

  1. it would be nice to be able to add passwords from the extension
  2. it doesn’t always detect when I type a password and prompt me to add it. In fact that happens with reasonable regularity.

There is a completely new version of the plugin in the making which will be better at this. It will be released in the next months.