Change location of shared content?


NC 16

I’m using more or less my complete homefolder (with pictures, documents, …) in my NC instance
If another user shares content with me, it is shown in my root-dir, when I open “All files”. I don’t like to have things (even when shared and even when only virtual) in my root-dir. Seems like I have to move this shared content by myself to a subfolder. Is there an option to move images, … from other users automatically into a subfolder (like shares or shares/[Other users name]. It would be also fine if “All files” only shows my files and not shared ones, since there is an additional section to show only shares anyway.


Any ideas? In short: I don’t want to get shared files in root of my “All files”, they clutter the root of my all files. I know I can move them manually in other folders after another user shares with me, but an automatic mechanism would be better.

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And how should that mechanism know where you want to have them?

As said (perhaps not explicit enough) 2 possible solutions:

  • Not seeing them at all under “all files” as there is a “Shares” section anyway, where I can see all my shares. “All files” should be more of a “My files” in my opinion.
  • or configuring a single folder per user where shares should show up.

For example I had a “Pictures” folder in my instance, another user shared his “Pictures” folder to me and now I have “Pictures” and “Pictures (2)”. Yes I can rename the shared folder to my needs and I see the symbol of a shared folder, but I don’t think it’s userfriendly to have own folders mixed with shared ones possible also with the same names. Other people share files and folders with you and the next day you login to your acount you have to clean up that mess?

Am I the only one who thinks this is a little bit annoying.

That’s not really an option if you want to be able to sync it via client (you could certainly fix that somehow in the sync client).

There is only a global option:

That’s not really an option if you want to be able to sync it via client (you could certainly fix that somehow in the sync client).

Ok that’s a point, you’re right

There is only a global option

I think that’s good enough for me, many thanks