How can I change the weather display from °C to °F? When you click on it, reflects location. Would like to do the same on the dashboard.
Such setting can be changed in your personal profile. Beside the languague setting, there is the locale setting, if you put it to English (United States)
, it automatically switches to Fahrenheit (and the week starting on Sunday), and maps and stuff probably switching to miles.
Not on the Dashboard. That’s where I’m seeing this.
here you gonna find said page https://your.own.url/settings/user (pls fill in your own URL)
I am using Nextcould 27.1.7 via Ubunt Snap, and my “personal settings” have “locale” as "English (United States) " … then mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss am {my current time} Week starts on Sunday. When I return to Dashboard, I get 6* C, not 43* F, for my location. I checked, and I am using my city zip code with US. Windy has it right; just something is missing/buggy in my setup, so this should work.
I am happy to test/check on this; just let me know!
This is exactly my same issue. Just can’t seem to figure it out. I have clients that are asking about it as well. This is just the Dashboard Weather. Everything else is correct for my location and as with you, is also giving correct information.
On an older setup, I see the same issue. On a newer NC 28/29, this is working. Not sure at which part it was fixed, in case it is some 3rd-party library, it could be difficult to ask to backport this to NC 27.
Locale is set to English (United States) and I still have *C for the temp. Also, just updated to Version 29.0.2 and the dashboard STILL shows the *C temp.
Have you tried adding the following to your config.php…?
'default_locale' => 'en_US',
I would like to THANK YOU!!! That was the fix. I’m going to file that away in windmills of my mind. Thank you again!!!
You can also go to the user settings and change locale to english and then back to english(united states). Assuming you are in the US.
This is what I had to also as well, switching languages in the user configs does nothing sadly.
For AIO you need to go into the nextcloud container.
Enter into the nextcloud container
docker exec -it nextcloud-aio-nextcloud /bin/bash
Edit the config in:
vi /var/www/html/config/config.php
I dropped it in between maint and logging
'maintenance' => false,
'default_locale' => 'en_US',
'loglevel' => 2,
No restart needed just refresh the main page.
I just performed the above commands and when I do a search in VI there is no “default_locale”. I found the area in the config where the maintenance and loglevel are, but there is not default locale. This is silly that we have to go through all this just to change the Temp settings:) Any ideas? I am on the latest version of Nextcloud AIO.
Thank you!
The line isn’t there by default, because as far as I understand it, Nextcloud is supposed to detect the correct locale, probably through some http header sent by your browser.
Unfortunately, I don’t know why this doesn’t seem to work in certain cases or for certain things, like the temperature unit in the dashboard.
Anyway, long story short, you need to add the line in order to set a default locale.
Default locale just means, it uses a default if there isn’t one set by the user. Once you logged in before, the user probably has already a locale set that can be modified via user settings. If you suspect it might have cached a version, you can use a new private window of your browser and check if that gives the same result.
Yes, that’s how I understand it is supposed to work as well. So the default locale is basically a fallback value in case the user hasn’t set a locale and/or it can’t determine it from the headers sent by the browser.
However, for certain things, the auto-detection and/or the locale set in the user settings doesn’t always seem to work correctly, as in this case for the temperature unit in the dashboard. Or at least it didn’t seem to work when I tested it at the time I posted my “solution” or workaround of setting a default locale.
Hmm, can’t remember if I did that at the time, to be honest. But as far as I can remember, switching the locale in the user settings did work for other things, just the temperature unit didn’t change until I added the default locale, so not sure if that was actually due to a caching issue.
This worked for me. No need to change the config file on the server. Just change your locale away from English (United States) to some other English locale, then refresh the dashboard, change the locale back, and refresh again, and presto: Fahrenheit.